Rabu, 19 Juni 2013

I am thinking about buying a men/women's clothing store in a small town. What can I do to update it?

Q. I can't spend a lot of money, but I would like to make the store not look so 80's. Any suggestions about how to update dressing rooms, choose paint colors, use trendy decor would be appreciated. Also, what kind of fixtures are popular right now (mannequins, racks, display cases)? If you have any tips on going to market, that would be great too!

A. well i would try store supply.com & my friend redid an old store with tons of stuff from ikea they are affordable & easy to assemble. For the markets i would take alot of linesheets & write notes dont sign anything incase you change your mind you doont want them to have your signature because then its hard to cancel an order. I usually write all my orders after the show to see all my options you can budget that way better too. Definetly wear comfortable shoes & bring some candy or granola bars because it gets tiring talking allll day. My favorite show is in vegas Magic & project you need to go the whole time because they also have alot of great seminars that you can learn from. http://show.magiconline.com/magic/v42/index.cvn

What worse according to you: "Out of style" or "Inappropriate dressed for the occassion"?
Q. Imaging these two sceaniors:
Occasion: Meeting in-laws or family dinner with elders

Girl A) A girl wore a super short skirt + 4" trendy stilettos with a sheer blouse with bandeau top underneath + bright lipstick + flashy juwelry. A person who believe there shouldnt be any dresscodes or "inappropriate wear", that she should flaunt her body and people shouldnt't care about what she wear, that she should be accepted by her personality --- or she wore it because guys "love it".

Girl B) She wore a nice daytime floral dress that are above the knee, pantyhose, dainty jewelry + her mom's old oxford 2" pumps (if you dont know what this is, its men inspired dress shoes with heels) that she love. A person who appreciate vintage and doesnt care much about trend who value comfort over style.

Which girl would you say would dress "inappropriate" for this type of occasion?

and I can admit, I would be girl B. I love vintage and wear it alot. Everytime I ask if an outfit is appropriate or not, for some reason I always get crap about my taste for clothes. That they are not in style, that they are something a mother would wear, that they are stupid, they are not suited for my age (24) etc etc and that I "should" wear stilettos (despite I tell them I've a foot injury) or bodycon mini dresses instead or opt for a t-shirt and jeans look. :S

Why do people mix up "personal style" with dressing "inappropriated/"disrespectful"?
and why does it feels like people care more about what decade the clothes are from, nowadays?
Brian: You missed the point. This question doesnt have anything to do with modesty or inmodesty.
Chris: No, not for attention. I just ask these kind of questions because I find them interesting to ask about... and I like second opinions (to get a different perspective of things). Everytime I try to ask about it with relatives what THEY think, they ignore it and bash me for being childrish. If I go to a chat or forum, they complain about my grammar. So I ask on Y.A instead (but def. need to learn to summarize the details and get straight to the point. ^^;;;).
I'm studying about pshycology and fashion styles in depth daily, since a year, so Im not really a "fashion expert" but might more than the less fashion/appearance interested crowd. My dream is become a stylist.
as for Missed the point = he was more focused about the modesty. I was talking about styles and dresscodes.
A person who dress revealing or a person who wear oldfashioned clothes for something more serious/proffessional - which is worse <--- was my point. lol -.-'

A. I think it's much, much worse to dress inappropriately for the occasion. In your example, girl A is way out of line. That outfit only works in a club.

I feel like the media and celebrities have a lot to do with today's style. A lot of women see how the celebrities dress and want to emulate them, thus creating this craziness.

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