Selasa, 29 Oktober 2013

What are good teen stores to shop at?

Q. Only stores that not many people know of. I want to shop at places other than forever 21, target, ever, etc.

A. Wet Seal is the place to shop if you're looking for urban chic teen clothing. From the basic hoodie to the lace boyshort, Wet Seal has got you covered. This stores mostly serves older teen girls, and it provides a range of fashionable options both online and in stores throughout the United States.
American Eagle Outfitters is a great resource for casual teen styles for both genders. Whether you shop at the store or online, American Eagle's clothing provides a rustic athletic appearance that is sure to please both your friends and your parents. If you're a thrifty shopper, this is a great place for deals. Be sure to check out the clearance section.
Abercrombie & Fitch is an extremely popular store with teens of both genders. Whether it is the cache of this trendy label or the price of the clothes they offer, for many teens, Abercrombie is a trusted authority on fashion. If you see it in an Abercrombie store or catalog, it's bound to be hot.
Hollister has the best fashions at reasonable prices. This retailer has a broad range of polos, tees, jeans, drifters, and more. In addition, the Hollister website can make helpful recommendations to complete your look.
Urban Outfitters is a fashionable teen clothing store with styles for both young men and women. In addition to apparel, they also offer some home accents and shoes. You can visit one at most major cities or purchase items online. Everything here is casual chic, perfect for the young customer who hates to feel dressed up. Prices are average, and the styles broad in scope.

What was fashion like in the 60s70sand80s?
Q. I didnt live then..but if someone asked me what fashion was today i would say uggs and crocs. so tell me what fashion was like then?

A. Those are three very different decades, and what was considered fashionable would very much depend on who you were (I don't see many "fashionable women" today wearing uggs and crocs either; those seem to be limited to relatively young people in certain parts of the U.S.).

The 60s was the era of the miniskirt; it was also the time in which jeans (mostly Levis) became a uniform for young people, rather than just practical work clothing. Odd color combinations came into fashion, challenging norms about which colors went together - red and orange, for example, or blue and green, especially in the first part of the decade. Toward the end, earth tones took hold. Bellbottom pants were trendy as well - I have pictures of myself wearing a lovely striped pair of them! Pantsuits for women began to take hold. Men went away from traditional suits and tried things like Nehru jackets.

The 70s was the decade of the disco. Men wore leisure suits, or suits in previously unacceptable colors, like pastels. Women wore platform shoes for the first time, the bigger and clunkier th better (none of this platform heels stuff like today - these were solid platforms, and there were lots of reports of people falling off of four, five-inch platforms. Things were sparkly and glittery - both clothing and makeup - and maxi skirts (long skirts) put in an appearance. I remember owning several long dresses which I wore to school and work in those days.

I think of the 80s as the era of big hair, and have very little recollection of what anyone wore WITH their hair! It was the age of the yuppie, so I guess business suits were a big part of this for many people (and the idea of dressing for success really took hold), and it was also a much more conservative era in many ways (think Ronald Reagan), so there was a movement toward more designer apparel, with visible labels. "Reagan Red" was popular for clothing, following Nancy Reagan's preference for the color.

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