Jumat, 07 Februari 2014

Are TOMS shoes worth it?

Q. Do TOMS last long? My birthdays coming up, and I finally convinced my mom to get me TOMS for my b-day, although they're 60 dollars with tax.. and that's a lot of money, and I don't want to waste her money, if the shoes don't even last long, especially since I walk a lot.
Also, I'm 5'3 1/2 or so and am size 7.5-8(in US) considering this, I have pretty narrow and big feet :/ and I don't want my feet to look even bigger, also to add, I wear skinny jeans.
Bottom line is, are TOMS worth it? Do you think I should get TOMS? Will they look horrible on me?
(Yes I realize that they're so expensive because one pair is donated, but TOMS look like they aren't very hold-able. Yet, TOMS seem to be the big trend at my school.)

A. TOMS don't last long.
I would get shoes that are BOTH comfy, trendy, AND last long.
There are lots of shoes that must be trendy in your school. I know TOMS are trendy in my school but not everyone wears them. Some people in my school wears Vans, Nike, flats, reebok, etc.

I would get some running shoes or sneakers or cute flats

PLUS you can't really get active like jog or play sports in them.
TOMS are more for like going out.

And it only looks good on people with thin legs in my opinion,

TOMS are like 50 dollars at Nordstrom,

But with sneakers or running shoes, anybody and pull it off and also they are cheaper (depends what shoes you get actually)

Flats, they ARE MUCH CUTER than TOMS. Toms are plain and simple with a little tag. Flats can have bows, silver, gold, etc. Unless you get the TOMS with designs or glitter.

If you wear TOMS to school for 5 days straight, walking to each period. Your feet will get MAJOR sores.
And you can't wear socks with Toms (well you can but it would look silly).

I am 5'6 and wear 8 size, and my feet look OK. no one at school insults my feet,
Sorry this is too much. ;)

Casual shoes for wide feet?
Q. My feet are small in length, but somewhat wide.
What sort of trendy casual shoes can I wear for a day to day basis?
So far, flats seem to usually emphasise the wideness of my feet.

A. go for soft sole beaded slip-on moccasins...check out www.moccasinhouse.com get the white beaded thunderbird soft sole moccasins.....they make your feet look narrow, and are so cute.....A VERY HOT LOOK!!!!

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